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As the rumors of Chrysler's sale increase analysts are starting to talk about just how much it might cost a prospective bidder to secure the rights from Daimler. The numbers they are throwing around seem amazingly cheap. Some are going so far as to say that DCX might have to pay a potential suitor to take Chrysler off its hands. The huge $16.7 billion health care funding is one of the big reasons for that, but the values the analysts are putting on the various Chrysler holdings might come as a shock to many readers.

What do you think? Is Jeep worth $5.3 billion?

bron: jeep news now

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In de intermediair van deze week wel een aardig artikel over de Amerikaanse autoindustrie.

Ook online te lezen: http://www.intermediair.nl/artikel.jsp?id=703168


Enkele weken geleden volgde Chrysler, producent van onder andere Jeep en Dodge, met slecht nieuws. Terwijl het Duitse moederbedrijf DaimlerChrysler, waar ook het goed renderende Mercedes onder valt, vorig jaar 7,3 miljard dollar winst maakte, verloor de Amerikaanse Chrysler Group ongeveer 1,5 miljard dollar. Dieter Zetsche, de meestal goedlachse chief executive officer van DaimlerChrysler, kondigde de gehele of gedeeltelijke sluiting aan van zeker vier fabrieken en meldde het ontslag van dertienduizend medewerkers. ‘Geen enkele mogelijkheid’, zei Zetsche, ‘wordt uitgesloten om voor de Chrysler Groep en DaimlerChrysler als geheel een zo goed mogelijke oplossing te vinden.’ Volgens analisten kan dat maar één ding betekenen: de Duitsers willen van hun Amerikaanse partner af. Inmiddels zouden achter de schermen gesprekken plaatshebben met het Frans-Japanse Renault-Nissan en zelfs met General Motors, dat hoopt met een overname van Chrysler in 2007 toch nog de grootste te blijven. De kans dat Chrysler op huidige voet kan doorgaan, is sowieso nihil. Daarvoor is het bedrijf te ziek.


Waarom kunnen ze in Amerika niet wat ze in Europa wel doen?’ Maar, zegt hij, GM redt het nog wel. ‘Ford en Chrysler zijn ten dode opgeschreven.’

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

NEW YORK - Billionaire investor Kirk Kerkorian, who lost out in Chrysler's 1998 merger with Daimler-Benz, wants to buy the troubled automaker back from its now-unhappy German owners.

Corp., on Thursday made a $4.5 billion cash offer for DaimlerChrysler AG's U.S.-based Chrysler unit.

A deal would put Kerkorian in charge of Chrysler a decade after he claims he was tricked out of potentially billions of dollars in the 1998 deal in which Germany's Daimler-Benz joined with Chrysler in the so-called "merger of equals."

Long an active investor in automakers, the 89-year-old former movie mogul once offered $22.8 billion for Chrysler in an unsuccessful 1995 takeover bid.

Kerkorian's bid, about one-fifth of what he offered in 1995, reflects the falling fortunes of Chrysler Group, which lost $1.5 billion last year and has announced 13,000 job cuts in North America and reduced production.

The offer disclosed Thursday from Tracinda is slightly lower than at least one competing bid from Canadian auto-parts supplier Magna International Inc., worth a reported $4.7 billion.

Tracinda said it would place a $100 million deposit for the right to exclusive bargaining rights.

Tracinda in a statement said it wants "to build and strengthen" the troubled automaker and "will offer the UAW and Chrysler management the opportunity to participate as equity partners in the transaction."

DaimlerChrysler shares climbed $3.81, or 4.7 percent, to close at $84.80 on the New York Stock Exchange after rising to a new 52-week high of $84.90 earlier in the session.

California-based Tracinda said its offer is subject to Chrysler reaching a new collective bargaining agreement with the United Auto Workers as well as a deal with DaimlerChrysler on sharing the estimated $22 billion unfunded pension liabilities and health care costs of Chrysler retirees.

A message seeking comment was left Thursday with a UAW spokesman.

Russell Phillips, union steward for UAW Local 1700, said word of a possible sale began filtering through the Sterling Heights, Mich., assembly plant Thursday afternoon. Phillips, a 20-year Chrysler employee, said he thinks the UAW would be interested in listening to such an offer from Tracinda.

"It would be very interesting if we can get something like that so we can help our members," Phillips said. "A lot will depend on how open they are going to be with the UAW and if they really are willing to sit down and talk with us."

Analysts said the deal would be difficult for Kerkorian to pull off because of his turbulent history with Chrysler and the size of the company's large legacy costs.

"I'm not sure what Kirk brings to the party except he can't help himself when it comes to playing with Chrysler," said David Healy, an analyst with Burnham Securities.

But David Cole, chairman of the Center for Automotive Research in Ann Arbor, Mich., said any deal would require an arrangement with labor on the legacy costs and noted that Tracinda adviser Jerome York has a long history of working with the UAW.

Tracinda said it's ready to start a more extensive review of Chrysler's financial books right away and believes it could complete it within 60 days.

Han Tjan, head of corporate communications for DaimlerChrysler in New York, said the German-American automaker is talking with partners about a sale and that the chairman is satisfied with the process.

"All of our options are still open. For us to talk about (Tracinda) is speculation," Tjan said.

At least two groups in addition to Tracinda and Magna reportedly have expressed interest in Auburn Hills, Mich.-based Chrysler. Cerberus Capital Management LLC and a consortium of investors led by Blackstone Group each have reviewed Chrysler's finances and are expected to make bids.

"As a matter of policy, we can offer no confirmation on any bid submission by Cerberus," said Cerberus spokeswoman J.J. Rissi. John Ford, a spokesman for Blackstone, said he could not comment on Tracinda's bid.

A message seeking comment was also left with officials from Magna.

In a letter to DaimlerChrysler Chairman Dieter Zetsche, Tracinda said it has been following the developments at Chrysler closely and has been studying available materials about the automaker.

"Having been a major shareholder for over a decade we are very familiar with both Chrysler and the automotive industry, and have come to believe, all factors considered, that a private ownership approach is in the best interests of all Chrysler constituencies," said the letter, signed by York, a former Chrysler Corp. executive.

The letter said it would be easier for a privately owned company to take a long-term approach "to build Chrysler into a robust and lasting, stand-alone entity."

Kerkorian long has had interest in automotive companies.

Late last year, he dumped the last block of what once was a nearly 10 percent share of General Motors Corp., the world's largest automaker.

He had pushed for an alliance between GM, Nissan and Renault SA. GM's board voted to explore the possibility, but after three months of discussion, the idea was scrapped. York served as Tracinda's representative on the GM board but stepped down after the alliance talks fell apart.

Kerkorian, whose Tracinda was Chrysler's largest shareholder at the time of its 1998 merger with DaimlerBenz, sued the combined company in 2000. He claimed that Daimler-Benz engineered a takeover of Chrysler, then cheated him out of billions by casting the deal as a merger of equals. A federal judge rejected his claim.

Tracinda, which is named after Kerkorian's daughters, Tracy and Linda, has the majority stake in the casino and hotel operator MGM Mirage Inc.


Associated Press Writer Corey Williams in Detroit contributed to this report.

bron: Yahoo News

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  • 4 weeks later...

het valt allemaal mee, geloof ik...

Maar Chrysler wordt wel verkocht. :whistle:

'Verkoop Chrysler bijna rond'

Uitgegeven: 14 mei 2007 09:11

Laatst gewijzigd: 14 mei 2007 09:12

NEW YORK - De Amerikaanse autofabrikant Chrysler komt waarschijnlijk in handen van beleggingsfonds Cerberus Capital Management. Een functionaris van Chrysler heeft gemeld dat er mogelijk maandag een officiële aankondiging zal worden gedaan.

Chrysler is het Amerikaanse onderdeel van DaimlerChrysler, dat de divisie wegens tegenvallende resultaten in de Verenigde Staten in de etalage heeft gezet. Het Duitse Daimler-Benz kocht Chrysler in 1998 voor 36 miljard dollar. Aangenomen wordt dat de verkoopprijs aanzienlijk lager zal zijn. pixel.gif



Volgens een andere bron (CNN) zal het bod $7,3 milj. zijn.

80% van de aandelen zullen dan in handen komen van de investeerder.

'Chrysel Holding' gaat het heten.. en Jeep gaat gewoon mee met Chrysler.

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Tja Chrysler heeft de Europese markt overkeken......als je met 4.0 liters afkomt kan je hier niet verkopen.....+typisch Amerikaanse onderstellen die in Europa gewoon niet passen.......Volgens mij werd jeep pas winstgevend toen Mercedes er de plak zwaaide....de Nieuwe wrangler met diesel is een goede zet, De kleinere goedkopere Patriot ook....Jeep zal zeker beter verkopen+de bouwkwaliteit is verhoogd

Je ziet dat op het salon ook de laatste jaren is Jeep goed bezig....de mooiste stand het beste imago...Jeep is ng lang niet dood denk ik

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Tja Chrysler heeft de Europese markt overkeken......als je met 4.0 liters afkomt kan je hier niet verkopen.....+typisch Amerikaanse onderstellen die in Europa gewoon niet passen.......Volgens mij werd jeep pas winstgevend toen Mercedes er de plak zwaaide....de Nieuwe wrangler met diesel is een goede zet, De kleinere goedkopere Patriot ook....Jeep zal zeker beter verkopen+de bouwkwaliteit is verhoogd

Je ziet dat op het salon ook de laatste jaren is Jeep goed bezig....de mooiste stand het beste imago...Jeep is ng lang niet dood denk ik

Ik ben het geloof ik niet helemaal, of zelfs helemaal niet met je eens.

Maar dat Jeep niet dood is, inderdaad. :whistle:

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